Saturday, February 25, 2012

Guess what? Chicken butt.

Yeah, that's the best I could come up with for a title for this post. Sorry if it offends you.
I just thought I'd let anyone who reads this know that I am unbelievably happy. And I find myself smiling at absolutely nothing several times a day. Don't get me wrong, my life is in no way perfect. There's plenty I could be UNhappy about..but why would I want to do that? Being unhappy is fun. So I'm focusing on the things I have instead of don't have, and the things going right instead of the things going wrong.

THIS GUY is a big part of my happiness. I think I can safely say that Stephen and I have never been happier and it is SO MUCH FUN to just be happy together.
That's what's up! Keep it real :)