Saturday, September 3, 2011

I sometimes listen to music....ok, always.

In the car. In my room. On a jog. On a bike ride. I'm listening to music. I sing. I dance. I get jiggy. You get it.

I'm not sure when this started, but my obsession with lyrics, melodies, and instruments has been with me a very long time. I grew up in a family surrounded, practically drowning, in music. Now, as an adult, my music tastes have changed quite a bit, but the old stuff stays with me. I have broad tastes as well. In one playlist I can go from Chopin to The Strokes to Jason Aldean without skipping a beat (Figuratively, of course. Obviously there were some skipped beats there).
Music is so much a part of my life, sometimes the only way I can think of to express my mood or my thoughts is through lyrics. Hence, the name of this blog :)
So stay tuned in the future for words of brilliant lyricists whom I practically worship.

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