Thursday, September 1, 2011

This. Is. My. Blog.

Howdy. Yes, the name of my blog is the first line of a song by One Republic called "Come Home." It happens to be what played when my alarm went off this morning so that's what was in my head when the website asked me to give this blessed website a name. I like it, though. I also thought about naming it "HEY! Listen up, fools!!" but I thought that sounded a little harsh.
I'll be typing some thoughts here now and then when I have too much to fit in 140 characters on Twitter. That's where I usually say exactly what I'm thinking, which can be dangerous to the 3 people who follow me. Jk. I have like...20 followers. Don't judge.

1 comment:

  1. Hiiiiiii. I seeee yoooouuuuuu. :D (That came out creepier than I intended...ahem)
